Member Associations | 9 Mar 2023

Kornelija RILIŠKYTĖ and Alfredas UDRA defended their champion titles in Lithuania

The three-day Lithuanian table tennis championship ended in Druskininkai on Sunday, featuring 64 (32 men and 32 women) strongest Lithuanian table tennis players. Kornelija RILIŠKYTĖ (coach Jolanta Prūsienė) and Alfredas UDRA (coach Indra UDRIENĖ) defended their champion titles in the singles competition.

"This is my fifth gold medal in singles in a row. This year, as in previous years, I set myself the highest goals and I am glad that I managed to achieve them. I was really excited because it is always difficult to defend the title of champion. I met my sister Emilija in the final, and it was a very pleasant meeting for me", said Kornelija RILIŠKYTĖ after the singles final.

"The championship is organized at a very high level - an excellent sports facility, good food and a planned schedule. The final was very difficult and even though I had to beat my adversary in the decisive set, but thanks to experience, technique and character, I managed to turn the events in a beneficial direction and win the seventh champion title. I wish my adversaries to continue trying to beat me", said Alfredas UDRA.

In the women's semi-final, Kornelija RILIŠKYTĖ (coach Jolanta Pūsienė, SM "Sostinės tauras")  beat Marija MIKALAUSKYTĖ (coach Artūras Orlovas, Vilnius) 4:0. In the other semi-final, Laura ABARAVIČIŪTĖ played against Emilija RILIŠKYTĖ 0:4. Both athletes are the players of coach Jolanta PRŪSIENĖ, representing the sports school "Sostinės Tauras". Marija MIKALAUSKYTĖ and Laura ABARAVIČIŪTĖ were awarded bronze medals. Kornelija RILIŠKYTĖ won the final 4:0.

In the men's semi-finals Alfredas UDRA (coach Indra UDRIENĖ, Klaipėda) overcame Valdas MARTINKUS (coach Raimondas JACKEVIČIUS), Arnoldas DOMEIKA (coach Raimondas JACKEVIČIUS) met Lukas RIMKUS (coach Artūras ORLOVAS, Vilnius). Alfredas UDRA defeated his opponent 4:0, and Lukas RIMKUS defeated Arnoldas DOMEIKA 4:3. Valdas MARTINKUS and Arnoldas DOMEIKA were awarded bronze medals. Alfredas UDRA won the title of Lithuanian champion in the final, defeating Lukas RIMKUS 4:3.

There were 13 pairs in the women's doubles match. Third place went to Auksė GECEVIČIŪTĖ with Kornelija ŠČIGLAITĖ and Eglė JANKAUSKIENĖ with Vitalija VENCKUTĖ (coaches: Laurynas Pakalniškis, Algirdas Majorovas, Artūras Orlovas, Saulius Bureika). Kornelija RILIŠKYTĖ with Emilija RILIŠKYTĖ met Lukrecija JUCHNAITĖ with Laura ABARAVIČIŪTĖ in the final. Emilija and Kornelija RILIŠKYTĖ became the women's doubles champions 3:2.

There were also 15 pairs in the men's doubles match. Third place shared Valdas MARTINKUS with Rimvydas MARTINKA and Rimas LESIV with Mindaugas STEPONKUS (coaches: Raimondas Jackevičius, Gediminas Ušackas, Saulius Bureika). In the final, Ignas NAVICKAS (coach Inga Navickienė) with Kęstutis ŽEIMYS (coach Viktoras Rybakas) met Arnoldas DOMEIKA and Matas VILKAS (coaches: Raimondas Jackevičius, Jonas Piekautas). Ignas NAVICKAS and Kęstutis ŽEIMYS became the men's doubles champions 3:1.

The winners of the mixed doubles became Ignas NAVICKAS and Emilija RILIŠKYTĖ, who beat  Kęstutis ŽEIMYS and Kornelia RILIŠKYTE 3:2 in the final. Third place is shared by Rimvydas MARTINKA ( coach Gediminas Ušackas) and Viltautė ADAMONYTĖ (coach Jelena Anikejeva) and Rimas LESIV (coach Saulius Bureika) with Auksė GECEVIČIŪTĖ (coach Laurynas Pakalniškis).