ETTU | 15 Jul 2022

ETTU Acting President Pedro MOURA Meets with Serbian Sport Minister

During the European Youth Championships Minister of Youth and Sport in Serbian government Vanja UDOVICIC invited Acting ETTU President Pedro MOURA and ITTF President Petra SORLING to be his guests in Government house.

“We are delighted to have been received by Serbian Sports Minister Mr. UDOVICIC. This gave us the chance to discuss the success of this European Youth Championships organization, to encourage Serbia TTA to bid to host other future ETTU events and also to share the concerns about the challenges Serbian TTA is actually facing. ETTU feels honored ITTF president Mrs. Petra Sorling also joined this visit, showing Serbian TTA a well deserved recognition for their work," stated ETTU Acting President MOURA.

Notably, Serbia is no stranger to hosting international tournaments, Novi Sad being a favorite home. Located on the banks of the Danube, the city staged the European Championships in 1974, the European Youth Championships in both 1988 and 2003. Meanwhile, Belgrade was the home for the European Championships in 2007, in addition holding ITTF World Tour tournaments in 1996, 1998, 1997, 2006.

"I hope the guests will leave Belgrade happy and satisfied. Moreover I hope, this is just a begining of our longterm cooperation," added KARAKASEVIC.