LIEBHERR 2016 ITTF European Championships
Table tennis and fencing are the most successful sports in Hungary and the opportunity to organize the LIEBHERR 2016 ITTF European Championships Hungarian Table Tennis Association saw as a milestone for the whole table tennis society in Hungary.
In the eve of the opening ceremony in the beautiful Tuskecsarnok the organisers held the press conference. Hosts Roland NÁTRÁN the President of MOATSZ and Dr. Miklós STOCKER Secretary General alongside Ronald KRAMER President of ETTU and Judit FARAGÓ ITTF CEO addressed to the press. Péter ARANYOSI head coach of Hungarian Men’s Table Tennis team and titleholder Elizabeta SAMARA also attended the conference.
“From 1958 Hungary has a major role in table tennis not only with results but also as a great organisers. I hope that our return here after 34 years will give a big boost to the sport. I am very happy that Hungarian Federation took up the challenge to organize first individual Championships after we had the combine one in the Ekaterinburg last year. I am very confident they will stood up to this challenge successfully ” said KRAMER.
Roland NÁTRÁN MOATSZ President said:
“We had to wait 34 years to organise this big event. We have nine out of ten best players from the European Rankings in Men’s and Women’s Event. Our goal is to present the best possible table tennis in order to attract the attention and to entertain our spectators. We want to present the spirit of table tennis in best possible way. “
President NÁTRÁN expected 6 or 7.000 spectators in the hall. MOATSZ offered tickets on special prices for clubs students and senior citizens and special discount for train travelers.
Judit FARAGÓ ITTF CEO had an extra pleasure.
“It is my privilege and great pleasure to welcome you my home town. I was not born on 1958 to see what happened then but in 1982 I supported our national team. I remember the atmosphere and excitement from that period and great joy that followed the success. I hope the new spectators this week in the hall will share the same spirit and determination we felt 34 years ago ” said FARAGO.
Miklós STOCKER Dr. MOATSZ Secretary General presented some of the figures from the 2016 LIEBHERR ITTF European Championships.
“In next six days 254 competitors from 44 countries will play here; with 60 umpires on duty. All of this will not be possible without the great support from the City of Budapest Hungarian Government our supply pool and sponsors ” reminded STOCKER.
Women Singles champion Elizabeta SAMARA of Romania said she is feeling ready.
“I am not suffering from the jet leg at all. I came from USA recently but now I feel fine and I am ready for the challenge here.”
Peter TÉGLÁS did not want to put the pressure on his team.
“We are ready and so far on the first day our women team recorded all victories. We hope it will stay that way.”