After the 4th Ordinary General assembly Mr. Kerim KOC who got %68 of the votes has become the new Turkish Table Tennis Federation President.
There were 2 nominees for the elections Mr. Kerim KOC and Dr. Oktay CIMEN who had been president for 16 years. 215 delegates voted (204 votes were valid) Kerim KOC received 138 votes and Oktay CIMEN has had 66 votes. So Mr Kerim Koc has become the new Turkish Federation president getting %67 of all valid votes.
Newly elected President said; “We would like to make a new beginning with new plans. We want to work for Turkish table tennis with our best effort. We thank Mr. CIMEN for all efforts he has put so far we will joint his previous works with our efforts and improve Turkish table tennis. We’d like to utilize his experiences too. We aim to welcome all who has put effort for Turkish table tennis. Turkish table tennis will improve with our “Improvement Movement” projects.”
Turkish Table Tennis Federation’s new Board Members are listed as Kerim KOÇ Ahmet Baþol HARAÇ Emin ÞEN Fatih KARACA Kenan ATALAY Melih SERIM Cemal SARUHAN Mücahit SOYAK Orhan GÃœNAY Ömer VURAL Sadýk KARAYEL Savaþ ERTUFAN Süleyman GÃœNDÃœZ Uður BEÞOK Vahdet Vedat SOLMAZ.